Early Writing Activity with Books: List Making

Early Writing Activity with Books: List Making

EARLY WRITING ACTIVITY: LIST MAKING Are you a planner?  A list maker?  Why not take that opportunity and use it as an early writing activity with your kids to get them writing.  It is an activity that can work on so many things.  Letter recognition, fine motor skills,...

Good Night, Animal World Blog Tour and Giveaway

What parent doesn’t long for a nice, calming, relaxing bedtime routine where their children easily and effortlessly fall into their slumber?  First, it starts with a predictable routine.  In our house, it goes something like this.  PJs, brush teeth then cozy up...
10 Ways to Slow Your Family Down

10 Ways to Slow Your Family Down

  10 WAYS TO SLOW YOUR FAMILY DOWN Do you like to take it slow?  Tired of being busy and not feeling connected to the members of your family?  Come see how my family connects and slows down. There are plenty of ways I can make my life and the life of my family...