mastering habits in everyday lives


This week from Gretchen Rubin’s Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives, I was journaling on the topics from the chapter Self-Knowledge (Distinctions) Different Solutions for Different People.  Rubin has most of chapter divided into sections where a distinct dichotomy in our nature exists and it is in the understanding of these distinctions that will help us understand how we approach our habits whether we want to crush bad ones or begin new ones.

Are you a lark or an owl?  Are you a morning person or do you prefer the night?  

Mini sparkles

There is no doubt I’m a lark.  I find I’m more productive and motivated in the mornings and moving through my day.  There were no late night studying for me or all nighters.  I would always get to bed at a certain time and wake earlier if needed.  In sitting and journaling on the topic I also realized that I enjoy having a routine that I follow in the mornings as well as my set evening routine.

Are you a Marathoner, Sprinter, or a Procrastinator?  This one is more for workplace habits. Do you like to slowly and steadily work on projects, or do the mad dash right before the deadline?  If you are a sprinter, you like the thrill of the deadline and find it increases your focus and creativity, but a procrastinator, dislike the last minute pressure of the deadline.

Mini sparkles

I do dislike the pressure of a deadline but that is only if I feel I’m not prepared.  When I was at university I would gather all my research but not sit to write the paper until very close to the deadline as I would find that I was more focused.  This has been perhaps one of my biggest stumbling blocks as a stay-at-home mom trying to work on my writing more.  Without a definitive deadline for any of my writing from an outside source I find I’m not focused or creative and now I understand why I enjoyed the Picture Book Idea Month in November last year as it gave me direction and a self-imposed goal with some reward perks if I completed the task everyday.  Light bulb!


Are you an Overbuyer or an Underbuyer? Underbuyers hate to shop and buy, and of course, overbuyers love to shop and buy.

Mini sparkles

My first thought was well of course I love to shop.  But then I had to stop, sometimes I like to shop and sometimes I put buying things off.  If I’m in a book store boy or boy do I like to shop.  I grocery shop when its necessary but sometimes when grocery shopping I often end up with more than was on my list.  Sometimes it is because I forgot to put it on the list and other times it is because I do like to try new things out.  Maybe it tastes yummy.  I guess I’m not completely clear on this one yet.


Are you a simplicity lover or an abundance lover? Simplicity lovers are attracted to the idea of ‘less’, bare shelves, roomy closets, few choices whereas an abundance lover likes a wide array of choices, a full closet, may enjoy collecting things and like things to look full.

Mini sparkles

My husband would definitely say I’m an abundance lover.  My pantry is always stocked, I thought I was just being prepared.  I can never have enough books.  But who is with me on that one?  However, in the book Rubin mentioned not liking a lot of noise, commotion, too much happening at once.  I prefer to sit in quiet with no music or background tv on or anything.  Going to a mall, or an event with a lot of people always drains me.  But perhaps this has to do more with my introvert nature than loving simplicity?  I do enjoy purging and getting rid of stuff.  I guess this section I’m somewhere in the middle.


Do you love familiarity or novelty?  

Mini sparkles

I’m definitely in the familiarity camp.  I reread, re-watch my favourite books and shows/movies.  I do like to know what is coming and I have realized that I do have to prepare and push myself out of my comfort zone.


Are you an opener or a finisher? 

Mini sparkles

I definitely am an opener.  I don’t find this necessarily applies to food but for my projects I would say yes.  I have started and have unfinished a lot of story book ideas, but I guess as I realized from an early category and like the thrill of a deadline to focus me to complete.


Are you promotion focused or prevention focused?  Promotion focused seek advancement, making gains, praise, pleasure.  Prevention focused seeks fulfilling their duties, avoiding losses, minimizing danger, pain or censure.

Mini sparkles

For the most part I think I’m in prevention focused camp.  Why do I want to eat healthier?  I’m likely to respond so I don’t get diabetes, not it will give me more energy and make me feel better.  If I look at the recycling example she gave, I also can begin the habit of recycling more because it is good for the earth not because I get a fine.  Maybe this one relates to a topic and our perception of it.


Do you do better by taking small manageable steps or big steps?

Mini sparkles

My initial thoughts were I would prefer small manageable steps as taking a giant leap might be too overwhelming, however, sometimes the small steps are not necessarily very visual therefore not noticeable and then I would be more likely to discontinue.  So if it is a habit that I would like to change a big step might be order so that way I see a definite or measurable change that I can see.



Here is my list:






Prevention Focused

Big Steps

Half and Half Simplicity and Abundance Lover


I’m an prevention focused overbuying sprinting lark that prefers to take big steps, familiarity and opening all kinds of things.  Sometimes I live in abundance and sometimes I live in simplicity.

What do you think you would be?

Now that I’m armed with more self-knowledge I will begin to read through the rest of the book and try to apply aspects of my personality to creating, and monitoring my habits.  Don’t want to miss a post, sign up in the side bar to receive my posts by email.  I’m trying to post my updates to this book on Monday’s because well Monday’s are a good day to start a new habit right?

Cheers as always,

Bonnie Signature




Bonnie Dani

Educator, Writer, Blogger, Mom

[email protected]