Today is just a rambling of my stream of conscious after an older gentlemen passed me walking my kids on their way to school.

As my kids and I were about to cross the street on their way to school this morning an older gentlemen  crossed with us.  It was not someone I recognized on our morning walk, however, we were actually early this morning and not running late as per our usually.  I know this because I had time to brew a cup of coffee and take it with me in my Live Your Dreams ceramic travel mug.  As we walked along the sidewalk he asked ‘does your youngest go to school too?’ and I responded with an perhaps overly excited ‘yes, preschool’.  His response was to say ‘you can have a lot more kids then. 2 or 3 more.’  To me that is just a loaded question.  I only made one of those have laughs and said ‘no 3 is enough for me.’  He came back with ‘my wife always says she misses those days. It goes so fast.’  In my heart I know what he or his wife meant and I wasn’t upset at this very cliche saying whispering in my ear.  A part of my was thinking of the warm breast feeding snuggles of a newborn staring up at me with that milk drunk look, so content so secure so peaceful.  Then I recalled my youngest who just the other day peed on the floor in front of the toilet because she couldn’t make it in time. Feeling so frustrated, unsure and scared.  It is all going very fast and there are so many things I miss already, however, I do quite enjoy my almost 8 year old and 6 year old who can make up their own jokes.  Such as ‘why are clothes sometimes inside out?  Response: because they are shy.’ And my favourite right now- ‘knock, knock.  Who’s there? Mom. Mom who?  Mom I love you.’  How long will this stage last before it is gone too?
Ok I have digressed.  It is the next thing the older gentlemen said that really prompted all my thoughts this morning.  He then said this ‘this is something my dad used to say to me and my wife:  you are driving down the street at 60/70 miles per hour which is slightly over the limit and you are sometimes glancing in the rear view mirror watching for cops, nowadays, you are driving 100 miles per hour and not even looking back.’
Whoa! My first thought was but I’m leisurely walking my kids to school with a Live Your Dreams mug in hand.  I was feeling pretty confident this morning having got all 3 kids out the door on time, with enough time to brew and make a coffee and walk to school before the bell rings.  And we were early.  Does he even know he said this to someone who is already trying to ban busy from my family’s life.  Trying to savour the moments in between the moments, trying to keep small moments in focus, trying not to rush at 100 miles per hour everyday.  As I was walking back home by myself I stopped and noticed the clouds floating by in the sky.  Nothing like someone saying something to you to gain perspective.  I know he wasn’t talking to me personally.  But just broader observation of society.  If many of us didn’t already feel that way, we wouldn’t be trying to slow down and bring connection back as the foundation of our family units.  I did ask myself though, do I need and my family need to slow down even more then we already have?
Just my rambling thoughts,