Hi Everyone,

If you have been with me all summer.  First, thank you for sticking with me and secondly, if you filled out my survey I thank very much for taking your time to help me improve as I learn how to do this thing we call blogging.  At the beginning of summer I started to ask myself what I wanted out of this blog.

Well after thinking, considering, researching and some more thinking and some more thinking and of course some apprehension about making the move after 2 years I’m going to be moving this blog over to a WordPress.org site.  I’m trying to keep everything else the same.  The new site will be www.adalinc.org  I kept the adalinc portion of my in my title as it represents something very special to me.  But this way it will be way easier to type in a find and on twitter, Instagram and Periscope as my handle is @Adalinc3.

In the next few days I will be working on transferring this blog to the wordpress site which everyone says is fairly easy to do so we will see.  I hope that it won’t cause to much disruption as I haven’t been actively blogging for 2 weeks anyways.    I’m a bit scared but ready to make the move to improve my blog.

I appreciate your patience while I make the move.  I also have a new contact email if you have any questions.  I can be reached at [email protected]