Library Treasures

Out of the Box by Ethan Long


There is just something about a cardboard box.  It’s latte coloured appearance, it’s dusty musty smell.  It can be a castle, a spaceship, or grandma’s house.  The possibilities are endless.  And that is what today’s library treasure book is all about.  Stay tuned at the end I have included a collection of links to posts of great activities that all use cardboard boxes.

At the library this time we discovered Scribbles and Ink:  Out of the Box by Ethan Long.  I always love it when we pull a book off the shelf at the library bring it home and read it, enjoy it and then discover that we already love the author/illustrator.  Check out Ethan Long’s Website to discover all of his books as well as some activity pages.  We love Tasty Time with ZeFronk which airs on the Disney Channel and the book Chamelia.

Scribbles and Ink are a cat and mouse duo in Out of the Box who discover the wonder and enjoyment of an empty box.   More then just a book about using one’s imagination this book also has the duo learn a valuable lesson about their friendship.  Out of the Box is a chapter book which makes it a great introduction to chapter books for new readers, and also works well for struggling readers as there is not a lot of words per page.  I think the next trip to the library will be to find some more Scribbles and Ink Books.

Out of the box by Ethan Long

I loved this book and its creative exploration of an empty box.  Kids love empty boxes.  How many times have parents said ‘he/she just plays with the box.  They are not interested in the toy.’

 I have listed a few sites that have a great round up of kids art and other activities to make or do with cardboard boxes.  Hope you have lots of creative fun.