Adalinc to Life
Today We Play

Do you remember the games you used to play as a kid?  Outside after the snow melted I remember playing a lot at the local school climbing, swinging, tag, Chinese skipping, 7-up, and hopscotch just to name a few.  As adults we don’t play enough.  I have to let things go inside my house.  You know what I’m talking about: laundry, organizing, tidying up, dusting etc… And just play outside!
I’ll admit it is hard at first to drag myself out but once I get out there I can feel myself getting lighter.  I can feel the smile spread across my face. I can see the smile spread across my children’s face.  I really need to do this more often.  To capture the right now I wrote this:
Today We Play by Bonnie Dani
Right now
Chalk Fingers
Hop Scotch Numbers
Soak in
Warm Sun
Children Everywhere
Old School
Benefits of Outside Family Play

*stress reducing
*introduce them to the games we loved as kids
*vitamin D
How has your family enjoyed playing outside lately?  

Cheers and happy playing,